martes, noviembre 17, 2009

Feli came to visit us & HALLOWEEN (2009)

Was a awesome weekend.

Of road to Queentown (Oct 2009)

The Magic - Bus

The tough part of the trip!

The Success Chilean-Argentinean TEAM

Right at the center, you can see where we got stuck on the mud.

Cromwell, town surround it with many orchards.

A famous bunggy jumping bridge, close to Queenstown.


The best ice cram ever! The shop is Argentinean...such a great one! Could you believe in Queenstown you can found an Argentinean ice cram shop..... well done!

Around Queenstown.

...a jet boat taking the right position for get the tourist on board

pict taken from Coronot peak ski front an other huge ski center...

Arrowtown. An old gold town, near Queenstown.

jueves, octubre 22, 2009

Carlitas B-Day (16 Oct 09)

The jungle party was in Robbie Burne Pub, and more than 50 friend come over to celebrate Carlitas and my B-day. Was really good party and lots of friends... Thanks guys for the big night!

My surprise b-day!! (2 Oct 09)

Singing and dancing Happy Birthday song!
Caro, Mauro, y Andres

Diego, Caro y Carla

Sofia, Cristian, Simmo, Carla, Andres, Caro, Mauro, Diego y Carlita

Cristian, Diego, Sofia y Carlita

martes, octubre 06, 2009

Fiestas Patrias, DUNEDIN (19 SEP 09)

146 sopaipillas! was a big challenge.. really tasty tho!

Carrera en SACO, SIMMO got the fist place! Good on him!

CUECA!!! Chilean Dance! Karina, Mauro, Diego, Carlita in the back

Fiestas Patrias, DUNEDIN (19 SEP)

Wonderful Campus Team!

The 'trensito' also classic

One of the BBQ, Carlita, Diego, Cristian, Alfonso y Mariano.

Next Day. BBQ and Fun! In the Pic Rodrigo, Andres, Mauro, Chris y Diego.

Here we're! Having a cup of soup! Jaja